Name Boats Last known start
Robert Hook As a helmsman in 1983 in the World Championship on 7157
Robert J. Pound
Robert Jones As a helmsman in 1983 in the World Championship on 7510
Robert King
Robert Korybut-Daszkiewicz As a crew in 2019 in the Lotos Nord Cup on 8909
Robert L. Barth
Robert L. Fussell
Robert L. Jones
Robert L. Nass
Robert Larke As a helmsman in 1997 in the Inland Championship on 8600
Robert Larsson As a crew in 2003 in the World Championship on 8542
Robert Lehmann As a helmsman in 2014 in the Régate Interligue on 9081
Robert Leibovitch As a crew in 1991 in the Semaine Internationale de Noël on 0
Robert Loftus
Robert Longworth As a helmsman in 1982 in the UK National Championship on 6161
Robert Martyson As a crew in 2005 in the Pokalregatta on 7708
Robert Massot As a crew in 1986 in the World Championship on 7762
Robert Meagher
Robert Meitzner As a helmsman in 2003 in the Pfingstregatta on 5919
Robert Montague As a crew in 1999 in the North American Championship on 8012